Restore Your Health Plan

an anti-inflammatory diet made just for you!

are you ready to feel good once and for all?

This anti-inflammatory nutrition plan will help you reduce inflammation, heal your gut and repair your metabolism through a whole-foods based dietary approach based on your best foods. How? We start with the MRT food sensitivity blood test to create a unique anti-inflammatory diet.

Using MRT food sensitivity test results, I will guide you in changing your diet using LEAP (Lifestyle Eating and Performance) nutrition therapy. Using LEAP, we will define your "new normal" when it comes to eating healthy!

Can you relate?


You've tried everything.

You've been to doctor after doctor and no therapies have helped you feel better.


You're tired of medication.

Medications may help the symptom, but you know they aren't addressing the root of the problem


You don't know what to eat.

You've eliminated foods and you still don't feel better, but you know that foods trigger your symptoms.

HEy there,I'm Stacie

Years ago I was too sick to take care of my three young kids. I went to multiple doctors, looking for the answers to my debilitating fatigue, brain fog, headaches, IBS, and chronic sickness... but there was no diagnosis and not one doctor could help me feel better.

There were seemingly no answers to my problems.

i knew something had to change.

Virginia dietitian nutritionist


restore your health

The Restore Your Health Program is the designed to help you FEEL GOOD. Using the MRT® food sensitivities test as a roadmap, we will first learn how your body responds to individual foods so that we can focus on what you CAN eat instead of worrying about what you CAN’T eat.

Through this program, you will establish a new normal that you can maintain to keep feeling better and better.

The anti-inflammatory LEAP diet is designed to remove all possible dietary provocation quickly, without guesswork, by utilizing the MRT® test results over the course of approximately 90 days. We begin with the "safest" tested foods and gradually reintroduce more non- or low-reactive safe foods over time, with a focus being on what you can have, not what you cannot have.

Once the inflammatory foods are removed, the emphasis is on safely rebuilding your diet, replacing necessary nutrients, reinoculating good bacteria, and repairing the gut lining. These steps are critical in calming your immune system and reducing inflammation.

With the Restore Your Health Plan


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Reduce inflammation

Learn how your body responds to individual foods with a food sensitivities test via bloodwork.

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Heal your gut

Support your gut's natural ability to heal through nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.

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repair your metabolism

Fuel your body with quality foods to support your metabolism and healthy body weight.

It's not about what you can't eat... it's about what you can!

use MRT & LEap food sensitivities testing to figure out exactly what works for YOUR body

This anti-inflammatory diet program uses the MRT food sensitivity test to identify foods, additives, and chemicals that are causing immune reactions in you, then re-builds your diet based on your best foods. The end result of this program is reduced inflammation, reduction of symptoms, and an improved quality of life.

Imagine knowing exactly what foods trigger your symptoms!

MRT LEAP food sensitivity test
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the MRT test for food sensitivities

The MRT blood test challenges 147 foods and 29 food chemicals and is highly reliable.

In addition to identifying the foods with the highest degree of reaction, more importantly, MRT identifies foods with the lowest degree of reaction.

The test measures diet-induced inflammatory reactions such as cytokines, leukotrienes, & prostaglandins from white blood cells. This is not an IgG food sensitivity test.


How to create a healthy mindset for sustainable changes.

How to support natural detoxification pathways for healing.

How to eat a macro-balanced diet for your health goals.

How to read labels and eat on-the-go with food sensitivities.

are you ready to get started?

Course with test


This is a self-directed program.

Save $50 when you pay in full for the Restore Your Health program or set up auto-bill for 2 monthly installments.

  • Includes MRT Blood Test
  • 8 Instructional Modules with Resources and Training Videos
  • In-app Access to Dietitian

Course with test+

personalized coaching


This is the Restore Your Health self-directed program plus four 1-to-1 consults with Dietitian Stacie. Save $50 when you pay in full or set up auto-bill for 4 monthly installments.

  • Includes MRT Blood Test
  • 8 Instructional Modules with Resources and Training Videos
  • PLUS 4 60-min Personalized Consults with Dietitian + In-app Access
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What clients say


As of today, I have lost 20 lbs!! I am just so happy that I got the courage and focus to do this program with you...The best thing that I have gotten out of this is a peaceful, healthy relationship with food. I didn’t think I would ever have that! And all of the health benefits branch out from there, but it really has to start with me, understanding my body, and how food nurtures and affects it. Thank you so much for your help, insight and dedication. I am hoping to lose 16 more, and I know I can do it.



"Once you realize how good you feel. you’ll do whatever you need to do to feel that good.”




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You have an autoimmune condition or unexplained symptoms of inflammation such as IBS, acne, eczema, headaches, and/or joint pain.

You want to optimize your health by eating your best foods - and eliminating those that cause inflammation.

You are tired of feeling tired and you are highly motivated to feel good!



You are not ready to make meaningful changes to your diet to support your health.


You dine out most days and are not able or willing to prepare your own foods.


You are not willing to give up your favorite foods for 2 weeks (or longer).

more success stories

what clients say

Quotation Mark

This has been the missing component for years in my healing that has allowed cyclical relapse and chronic fatigue to plague me. If you've been trying to eat better and are eating whole foods, chances are you've got sensitivities. I'd like to recommend the MRT and LEAP protocol for you. I recommend my RD, Stacie Haaga.


Quotation Mark

I could not be happier with the cholesterol results... Anyway I just want to share these results and say thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me a new way to live, a healthy way to live that I did not know existed.


Quotation Mark

Since I started the MRT/LEAP protocol, I have been feeling fabulous. My doctor has been overwhelmed with my progress. I was taken off of all my blood pressure medications. I have lost over 70 pounds and am moving well. There is very little inflammation in my joints and have been discharged from physical therapy.


MEET YOUR dietitian

Virginia functional dietitian

Hi there, I'm Stacie and I help people feel better!

With years of experience as a functional dietitian and health coach, I use an integrative approach to healing.

Food can be one man's medicine and another man's poison.

I want to help you find YOUR BEST FOODS!


Can I do this program if I'm pregnant?

Our bodies change A LOT during pregnancy! For best results, it is best to wait until after pregnancy to complete this program.

How long will I need to stay on this program?

This is not a fad diet - the Restore Your Health Program is an individually tailored dietary program that can be used for your whole life.

Do medications affect my MRT test results?

Long-term use of antibiotics, steroids, and immuno-suppressant medications does not preclude you from getting tested.

When can I expect to see results?

Clients can expect to see immediate symptom improvement in the first two weeks of this program.

what happens


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APP Access

Receive immediate access to the resources in the app to help you every step of the way!

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The test kit will arrive at your house within 5-7 days.

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Take your test kit to the lab for a blood draw as directed - results will be available in 7-10 days!

Not sure which program is right for you?

get in touch

set up strategy call

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COPYRIGHT 2023 stacie haaga Nutrition and wellness, llc